How many fit people do you know who don’t even seem to try to stay in shape? I am sure you will not find that many.

Most people who stay in great shape throughout their life are the ones who have built up a set of habits over the years that have helped them stay in their best shape without putting in a lot of effort.

Here are five things that you can easily adopt as a habit that will help you stay in great shape.

1. Ditch dieting

Plenty of fitness fads come and go each year. They may help you lose a few pounds in a matter of days, but you are going to gain it back as soon as your diet is over. Here is a secret – fit people don’t diet. They eat healthy food that makes them feel good and leaves them feeling energized throughout the day.

2. Enjoy your workout

Anything you don’t enjoy, you won’t be able to continue for too long. To be in a great shape you should live an active lifestyle that allows you to burn calories and build muscles. Workout is a means to burn calories and keep you active. But it doesn’t mean that you should necessarily hit the gym, pump iron or spend time on treadmill. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. There are plenty of activities that can keep you active and energized. Do an activity that you love doing, such as running, dancing, swimming, sports, etc. Fit people enjoy their workouts; they even look forward to it.

3. Make your health your top priority

Most people lets work, family, and other priorities come in the way of their workout. Fit people make workout their priority, even if that means getting up 15 minutes early, or even when they are busy or on vacation. They follow a strict workout regime, no matter what.

4. You don’t have to be a perfectionist

While healthy eating should be your top priority, you don’t need to eat 100% perfectly all the time. Giving yourself a cheat meal every once in a while will ensure you don’t feel bitter about your healthy diet. If you love cookies or some dark chocolate, go for it. Just don’t let it become too frequent of a habit or you will lose all your hard work.

5. Hang around with other like-minded people

You must have heard the adage that you are what you eat. Well, you are also who-you-eat-with (or socialize with). If your friends are constantly getting fast food and living a sedentary lifestyle, chances are you will also start living their kind of lifestyle. Making friends who are more active and healthy is just as important for staying fit as following a regular workout regime and eating healthy food.

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