Having bad knees can be a huge obstacle to maintaining your fitness goals through a consistent workout routine. People who suffer from chronic knee pain due to joint, ligament damage, or previous injury tend to struggle when lifting heavy weights and when performing essential lower body movements like squats, lunges, step ups, and leg presses. Without the help of a personal trainer or skilled workout expert, it can seem nearly impossible to train around “bad knees” or previous knee injuries.

Some of the most innovative methods for training around bad knees are water workouts and the use of resistance bands. Use a series of bands with varying levels of resistance to create a low impact training routine. Perform the movements without putting pressure on the knees to stay in shape and reduce the risk of injury. Training in water can also reduce impact and pressure on the knees while allowing individuals to achieve maximum cardio benefits.

Resistance bands are extremely affordable and are color-coded based on their resistance level. As simple as they may seem, they are used by professional and amateur athletes to help increase speed, agility, balance,
stability, and core strength. Physical therapists turn to them to help injured
athletes with recovery and rehabilitation.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) programs are popular right now. For people with bad knees, HIIT training can be very challenging, but this can
be resolved by performing HIIT circuit training in a swimming pool. The same results can be achieved through low-impact static movements and stability training with the added support of resistance bands.

Even if you’re not a former athlete or fitness professional, customizing resistance band and water workouts to support your knees is fairly simple. If you have concerns about which movements are best for the health and safety of your knees, visit your local gym or fitness center to consult with a fitness professional.

By Tiffany Toney

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