Knowing when to start asking questions about Hemp CBD on your Hemp CBD journey is almost as difficult as knowing what to ask. One must dive in. Asking questions is absolutely critical in the world of Hemp CBD education. Learn how to be your own advocate and never being afraid to ask questions is an important rule of thumb. Questions, do in fact, go a long way in understanding the marketing of Hemp CBD.

In 2017 the American Academy of Physicians concluded that consumers should be careful when purchasing CBD online. Their findings showed that approximately 70% of the 84 CBD products they researched were mislabeled, and in some cases, the contents did not match what the label stated. People should also be careful when purchasing products at dispensaries as well as at big-box retailers. There are over 35,000 different brands in the market today, and they are not all the same. Not even close. You should know where your Hemp CBD comes from, how it’s grown and how it’s processed. Ultimately, the reason for asking questions is to find out how clean and healthy your Hemp CBD product really is.

Here are a few questions one should ask:

Is the product third-party lab tested? 

An unbiased outside party should be your source for the final test results. Have they tested for heavy metals, pesticides, bio-contaminants, mold, etc.?

Is it organic and non-GMO? 

You probably expect organic and non-genetically modified fruits and vegetables; expect it from your hemp plant too.

Is the product full-spectrum, meaning made from the whole plant? 

Think of this as choosing the kind of bread you should eat. Does processed and bleached bread provide you with better nutritional value than whole-grain unbleached bread?

Is the product Hemp CBD distillate or Hemp CBD isolate? 

If possible, choose a distillate because it requires less manipulation and processing. It can come in the form of a thick honey, sap or wax-like substance. The Hemp CBD isolate is a powder-like form acquired through extensive processing, thereby affecting the “whole-plant” approach in a more drastic fashion.

Does the product solely incorporate hemp seed oil? 

Although hemp seed oil makes for a complementary carrier oil and does indeed have some nutritional value, keep in mind, there are no cannabinoids in hemp seed oil. Therefore, if the product is only hemp seed oil, it should not be labeled a Hemp CBD product.

What was the soil content, and where was the hemp crop grown?

Hemp plants extract toxins, chemicals and other contaminants from the soil they are grown in. If the soil is not “clean and organic,” the plant will not be either. In many instances, hemp plants are used for toxic soil cleanups.

By Carmen Milagro